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Discover how Tongkat Ali could give you a huge boost…

Would you like to increase muscle mass, make burning fat easier, and spike up your sex life? All for the price of half a cup of coffee per day? Seems too good to be true, right? Wrong! Read on to find out more…

Tongkat Ali is a herbal therapy that has been a component of conventional Southeast Asian remedies for decades. It usually treats fevers, erectile dysfunction, and bacterial diseases.

Analyses tell that Tongkat Ali may raise male fertility and ease stress, but more research is needed.

However, perhaps the greatest benefit for guys our age is that recent research suggests it has really promising potential to boost our testosterone levels.

What is Tongkat Ali?

Tongkat Ali, also known as Eurycoma longifolia, is a herbal accessory from the origins of the green shrub tree Eurycoma longifolia, born in Southeast Asia.

It is used in conventional cures in Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and different Asian countries to treat malaria, disorders, fevers, male infertility, and erectile dysfunction. 1

The health advantages of Tongkat Ali probably arise from the diverse compounds in the plant.

Particularly, Tongkat Ali has flavonoids, alkaloids, and different mixtures that function as antioxidants. 2

Antioxidants are blends that combat cellular harm forced by molecules named free radicals. Research says it may help your body in various ways.

Tongkat Ali is commonly ingested in pills that have a section of the herb or in herbal drinks.

Trim ugly fat, increase muscle mass naturally

Historical uses and benefits of Tongkat Ali

In Asia, Tongkat Ali is a well-known turn-on and malaria treatment. People utilize the flowering plant’s roots, bark, and fruits to make medications.

According to a 2016 review, in conventional therapy, people use Tongkat Ali to rid the following conditions: 3


  • sexual dysfunction
  • malaria
  • raised blood pressure
  • tension
  • intestinal worms
  • diarrhea
  • aging
  • itching
  • bloody diarrhea
  • constipation
  • workout recovery
  • fever
  • diabetes
  • cancer
  • jaundice
  • to low back pain,
  • indigestion
  • leukemia
  • aches and discomforts
  • syphilis
  • osteoporosis

Tongkat Ali has health advantages for specific conditions.

1.  Masculine fertility and sexual performance

Some study indicates that Tongkat Ali may improve male fertility and sexual performance.

Based on a 2016 review, animal and human studies express that the beneficial effects may include: 4

  • Raised semen quantities, sperm tally, sperm viability, and sperm movement.
  • high output of testosterone
  • improved erectile dysfunction

A 2019 study in rats concluded that the effects of Tongkat Ali might be due to the height of testosterone levels and the advancement of dopamine in the brain. 5

2.  Ergogenic aid to reduce stress

Athletes occasionally use ergogenic aids to improve their execution. Tongkat Ali may work as an ergogenic aid because it reduces stress and boosts testosterone levels, according to a 2016 review. 6

The investigators inferred that with significant doses and long-term supplementation, Tongkat Ali might help endurance achievement.

A 2014 pilot study in physically athletic individuals aged 57–72 years documented improved muscle strength and gains in testosterone coming following supplementation with Tongkat Ali extract for five weeks. 7

3.  Bone health

A 2018 review evaluated the information for E. longifolia on osteoporosis in rats, and it assumed that E. longifolia appeared less helpful than other conventional Malaysian plants.9

Still, according to the study, there could be imaginable for its aim in avoiding bone loss. 9

4.  Stress

A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition evaluated stress hormones in 63 individuals putting up with Tongkat Ali excerpt or a placebo for four weeks.

The experimenters saw crucial developments in excitement, anxiety, and unrest in individuals seizing the extract. Testosterone levels boosted, and statements of the stress hormone cortisol lessened. 10

They assumed that Tongkat Ali might be a helpful cure for modern-day chronic anxiety, sleep lack, and workout training.

The following study from 2018 peeked at the collective effects of E. longifolia and multivitamins in somewhat worried but differently healthy players. The players noted improved strength and sentimental well-being, and Glucose concentrations also reduced, which may have joined in the partaker’s well-being. 11

5.  Cancer

A study identifies fresh quassinoids in Tongkat Ali that may combat cancer. Laboratory studies in test tubes demonstrate that the mixtures are harmful to lung and cervical cancer cells.12

A review from 2018 specified 16 compounds in Tongkat Ali, separated from several plant fractions that revealed guaranteeing anticancer properties.13

Following laboratory study implied that quassinoids from Tongkat Ali were helpful against human prostate cancer cells. Still, the Endocrine Society contraindicates testosterone treatment in prostate cancer, so it is prohibited to utilize the plant for this situation. 14

6.  Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects:

Tongkat Ali / E. longifolia is beneficial against bacteria, comprising Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhi.

In test-tube examinations, excerpts of the plant revealed anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. 15



Final Thoughts on Tongkat Ali

Many guys our age suffer from low testosterone and they don’t even know it. This causes a ton of problems with getting their physique in shape, low confidence, weak energy levels… and even their problems with their wives.

How do you know if your testosterone is low?

Simple. Go get a blood test.

Don’t you think it’s worth knowing where your testosterone levels are? If you don’t know, it’s hard to fix the problems related to weak testosterone.

I hope this article has given you the motivation to get your T-levels fixed.

It’s best to keep an open mind, do your own homework and try new things to see what works best for YOU.

It’s the old saying again, if you don’t try something new, you’ll never know the benefits you could be missing.

I’ve only been taking Tongkat Ali for about 2 weeks, but I’m super impressed with how invigorated I now feel.

I just wish I’d discovered Tongkat Ali sooner. I’ll discuss some of those benefits soon, especially the one my wife is super elated about…

Any guesses what it could be? Pop your comment below, and you might just win some GTW goodies…

Are you TIRED of losing your ability to gain muscle, lose fat or make progress when you work out…?

Then I have a cheap and safe solution for you…

And importantly, you don’t have to fall for the typical gym-bro fake science nonsense any longer.

Follow the LINKS below to a safe and natural solution to your low testosterone levels for less than a half-pint of beer per day!

Are you ready to take your fitness and vitality to the next level?

Discover the power of Tongkat Ali with AKARALI™ today!

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Don’t miss out on this opportunity to boost your performance, improve your vitality, and reclaim your warrior spirit.

Tongkat Ali provides a noticeable improvement in energy, stamina and performance.
Greg Noland-Grey-Top-Warriors-2021

​Keep training hard (mentally & physically),

Greg ‘Take No Prisoners’ Noland
CEO & Founder
Grey Top Warriors


  1. Khanijo T, Jiraungkoorskul W. Review Ergogenic Effect of Long Jack, Eurycoma Longifolia. Pharmacognosy Reviews. 2016;10(20):139. doi:10.4103/0973-7847.194041
  2. Panche AN, Diwan AD, Chandra SR. Flavonoids: an overview. Journal of Nutritional Science. 2016;5:1-15. doi:10.1017/JNS.2016.41
  3. Khanijo T, Jiraungkoorskul W. Review Ergogenic Effect of Long Jack, Eurycoma Longifolia. Pharmacognosy Reviews. 2016;10(20):139. doi:10.4103/0973-7847.194041
  4. Rehman SU, Choe K, Yoo HH. Review on a Traditional Herbal Medicine, Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali): Its Traditional Uses, Chemistry, Evidence-Based Pharmacology and Toxicology. Molecules. 2016;21(3):331. doi:10.3390/MOLECULES21030331
  5. Ezzat SM, Ezzat MI, Okba MM, et al. Brain Cortical and Hippocampal Dopamine: A New Mechanistic Approach for Eurycoma longifolia Well-Known Aphrodisiac Activity and Its Chemical Characterization. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : eCAM. 2019;2019. doi:10.1155/2019/7543460
  6. Khanijo T, Jiraungkoorskul W. Review Ergogenic Effect of Long Jack, Eurycoma Longifolia. Pharmacognosy Reviews. 2016;10(20):139. doi:10.4103/0973-7847.194041
  7. Henkel RR, Wang R, Bassett SH, et al. Tongkat Ali as a potential herbal supplement for physically active male and female seniors–a pilot study. Phytotherapy research : PTR. 2014;28(4):544-550. doi:10.1002/PTR.5017
  8. Man Working Out · Free Stock Photo. Accessed February 18, 2022. https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-working-out-2294361/
  9. Mohammad NA, Razaly NI, Mohd Rani MD, Mohd Aris MS, Nadia ME. An Evidence-Based Review: The Effects of Malaysian Traditional Herbs on Osteoporotic Rat Models. The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences : MJMS. 2018;25(4):6. doi:10.21315/MJMS2018.25.4.2
  10. Talbott SM, Talbott JA, George A, Pugh M. Effect of Tongkat Ali on stress hormones and psychological mood state in moderately stressed subjects. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2013;10:28. doi:10.1186/1550-2783-10-28
  11. George A, Udani J, Abidin NZ, Yusof A. Efficacy and safety of Eurycoma longifolia (Physta®) water extract plus multivitamins on quality of life, mood and stress: a randomized placebo-controlled and parallel study. Food & Nutrition Research. 2018;62. doi:10.29219/FNR.V62.1374
  12. Park S, Nhiem NX, Kiem P van, et al. Five new quassinoids and cytotoxic constituents from the roots of Eurycoma longifolia. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters. 2014;24(16):3835-3840. doi:10.1016/J.BMCL.2014.06.058
  13. Thu HE, Hussain Z, Mohamed IN, Shuid AN. Eurycoma longifolia, A Potential Phytomedicine for the Treatment of Cancer: Evidence of p53-mediated Apoptosis in Cancerous Cells. Current drug targets. 2018;19(10):1109-1126. doi:10.2174/1389450118666170718151913
  14. Bhasin S, Cunningham GR, Hayes FJ, et al. Testosterone therapy in men with androgen deficiency syndromes: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. 2010;95(6):2536-2559. doi:10.1210/JC.2009-2354
  15. Rehman SU, Choe K, Yoo HH. Review on a Traditional Herbal Medicine, Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali): Its Traditional Uses, Chemistry, Evidence-Based Pharmacology and Toxicology. Molecules. 2016;21(3):331. doi:10.3390/MOLECULES21030331


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