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This post is about barbell training, its potential limitations, and an alternative style of training.

As you may have heard I turned 50-years old a few months back.

No, I didn’t have an outlandish birthday party with a ton of guests…

With friends flying in from all over.

I wish I could have.

Wouldn’t it have been fab to invite a bunch of GTW Tribe Members?

But all thanks to Covid, I didn’t even get to enjoy my favourite beer in a nice pub.

Do you know what’s worse than missing out on celebrating your 50th birthday?

It’s when society thinks we’re all washed up at 40, 50 or even 60?

It’s all BS!

Even some of my younger friends and family members did start giving a few gibes.

I hope they don’t think turning 50 is similar to a funeral.

I took it all in good fun though. Rolled with the punches, so to speak.

But in the back of my mind, I do have to admit that sometimes I feel my gym days are finished.

Covid has obviously helped immensely in that department.

And I feel so sorry for the gym owners.

Because just as Covid started back in March 2020, they announced they were closing the gym for four weeks to do a total refurb.

I wonder if they will ever be able to open again.

But Covid aside, I feel my old style of training free weights could be over.

I even feel like the barbell could now be my enemy.

It’s perhaps a love-hate relationship.

Because I have felt my best and strongest lifting heavy weights all throughout my 35+ years in gyms around the world.

And I don’t think I plan on ever giving weights up completely.

However, lifting weights has started to make me feel pain in my back and joints at times.

It’s a bit depressing and even embarrassing as a fitness pro.

But it feels a lot like when I gave up Thai boxing.

At the height of my Thai boxing training, I loved it so much I never thought I would give it up.

But I remember the mornings waking up and I couldn’t flex my hands properly.

They were so stiff from smashing the heavy bags for month after month, years after years…

But it also kinda frightened me too.

I remember joking to myself that if I didn’t give up Thai boxing soon, I wouldn’t be able to hold my walking stick properly when I got older.

And I gotta be honest with you…

Those last few days in the gym before Covid hit…

I was finding it harder and harder to get jacked up and motivated to work out.

I’m only human and I know this is something we all go through from time to time…

This is why I gave myself permission to take a break from the heavy weights without losing any of my hard-earned gains.

In fact, I think I have to thank Covid for reminding me about this special kind of training.

Because I really think it’s more suitable for guys our age than lifting heavy barbells…

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Greg Noland-Grey-Top-Warriors-2021
Keep training hard (mentally & physically),

Greg ‘Take No Prisoners’ Noland
CEO & Founder
Grey Top Warriors

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