Are Your Food Choices Keeping You In Pain?
Did you know it’s often the foods you are eating which is keeping you in pain? As at least a GTW blog reader (and hopefully a GTW Tribe Member) you’ll already understand the importance of eating the right foods when you’re following a program like GTW Bodyweight...
3 Foods Triggering Your Joint Pain
Here's a quick quiz for you today to find out if your body is "on fire," or chronically inflamed... Markdown how many you respond YES to below: --> Do you feel stiff when you get up from sitting? --> Are any of your joints sore when you move them? --> Do your...
5 Terrible Foods For Your Joints
Have you ever heard that certain foods can be terrible for your joints? The reason I tell you this is because I know the GTW workouts can be hard on your body. Yes, these workouts are high intensity. Yes, they can put some force on your joints. And that’s why I want...
Japanese tonic helping folks burn belly fat
If you need to burn belly fat, this could be a very exciting, and beneficial development in your health regime. A maverick Japanese doctor recently leaked the secret formula of an ancient Japanese Tonic that targets the root cause of deep belly fat. It does this by...
Chronic Inflammation: Main Cause of Many Diseases?
This Condition is at the Heart of Your Joint Pain & the Very Life-Threatening Diseases We Fear MostWatch the shocking video below to open your eyes to the root cause of long term pain and sicknessKeep training hard (mentally & physically), Greg ‘Take No...
Is your body on fire?
Is your body on fire right now? And I don’t mean in a sexy way – like you’re looking hot. Or you’ve been super successful at something… I mean, like your joints feel inflamed. The reason I ask is because last night I saw a Denzel movie on Netflix called, "Flight". I...
Let’s Connect
Connect to your favourite social media channels below for advice and information on strength, endurance, flexibility and balance training. Don’t worry if you’ve never worked out before or you’re a fitness veteran, we welcome you to the GTW Tribe.